The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168402   Message #4081863
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
04-Dec-20 - 04:05 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Australia-New Zealand Songbook
Subject: RE: Rise Up Mudcat Songbook - Australia
R-J - oops, how embarrassing - how did I miss so many (blush)

yes, you have missed an update

Date: 03 Dec 20 - 05:39 AM

Hey Sandra! My latest copy of "The List" is up to song #425 on Nov 7th - have I missed an update?!

Going on that last listing, I'm gonna have to upset your Numbering, coz I have a few songs here that missed "The List"!!!

22Aug - The Cooma Cavaliers (Ulick O'Boyle)
04Oct - Dance Up the Sun (John Thompson)
04Oct - Down in the Goldmine (Anon / JB Geoghegan)
21Oct - Norway Yawl ( Bob McNeill) NZ
26Oct - The Miner (anon)
30Oct - Liverpool Echo aka Lawler's Balcony (Dave Oakes)
30Oct - Beneath the Southern Cross [1] (Bushwackers)
          -    "    "      "       "                   [2] (Malcolm Gordon NZ

For both versions of "Beneath the Southern Cross", the lyrics are within the links - not ideal, I know - but sometimes that's the way it has to be, as I'm not inclined to type them out at this stage!!!   :)

Cheers, R-J

PS   With your recording system, just wondering if there is any way to have a List that one can Sort Alphabetically on the Titles???

looks like I need to start again, but use a spreadsheet this time.

what I'll do is insert the missing ones in red in my doc, then check out the free convertors - docx to xlsx - eek!

This looks like a job for my Personal Help Desk, or my other geek friend.

first the missing ones ...