The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41161   Message #4082026
Posted By: Mrrzy
05-Dec-20 - 12:50 PM
Thread Name: Which Irish Troubles Songs are Offensive
Subject: RE: Which Irish Troubles Songs are Offensive
While honeymooning in Ireland one late night in Bandon [before we strayed out to Clonakilty and Ballinascarty, of course] we sat up late singing with our B&B host, and I foolishly chose to sing William Bloat as mine host did not know it (the topic had come up in conversation). When I got to the line about the pope I thought to myself Fuck, what now, no wonder he doesn't know it, but I just sang on.

Mine host was not offended and loved the song, but oops. To me, all Irish songs are Irish, but yeah, oops.