The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4082077
Posted By: Donuel
05-Dec-20 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Anything that happens in life
Can happen in DC
You can make 'em mad
You can make 'em cry
Anything and everything goes
The clown
With his tweets falling down
Or the case
Right before arraignment
Or the man
That the country can't stand
That's entertainment!

The lights
On first ladies in tights

Or the bride
With a guy on the side

Or the ball
Where she, infects them all

That's entertainment!

The plot
Could be hot
Simply teeming with porn

A gay
Who is after his ex

It could be Oedipus Rex

Where a teen kills off the Congress
And gun nuts have wronged us.

The jerk
Who is thrown out of work

By the boss
Who is thrown for a loss

By the flirt
Who is doing him dirt

The world is a stage
The stage is DC
Its entertainment!

(instrumental break)

The doubt
While the jury is out
Or the drill
When the judge has his fill
Or the case
For the man in disgrace
That's entertainment!

The dame
Who is known as the flame

Of the king
Of an underworld ring

He's an ape
Who won't let her escape

That's entertainment!
It might
Be a fight
Like you see on the screen
A gang
Getting banged
For the love of some cash
For some huge party bash
At a spot that really is sweet
And everyone ends in mincemeat.
The gag
Where he's waving the flag
That began
With a crooked con man
Hip hip hooray
The American way!
The world is a stage
The stage in DC
Is entertainment!