The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4082597
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
09-Dec-20 - 09:46 AM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Hi, Mom!

I'm painting the exterior of my house and have run into a bit of a problem. I have finished the east, west, and south sides, but since it's December, the sun is in the southern sky all day long. The remaining northern side of the house gets no sun at all. The paint is drying very slowly and working there is just a bit on the chilly side.

What I need is a few volunteers to help me turn my house 180° so the north side becomes the south side. Not permanently, but just for a couple of days, and then we'll spin it back. Who's up for lending a hand?

If that sound like too much trouble, we could try reversing the earth's axial tilt for a few days. That would probably work just as well.