The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31193   Message #408263
Posted By: lovethesky
28-Feb-01 - 04:46 PM
Thread Name: WELCOME lovethesky 2-22-01
Subject: RE: WELCOME lovethesky 2-22-01
Thank you all for your kind words lol well I reckon (thought I'd throw in a Texas word lol expected you know lol) most of them where kind anyway. Katcian you have been a great help and a wonderful friend to this totally lost Texan. I appreciate the kind welcome and I love the singing room. I'm still learning (boy oh boy do I need to learn lol). So all help is greatly sought after and appreciated. Thank you again an ya'll have a great day pilgrims waaa haaa haa (lol think that's laying it on too think lol) Really though thank you heaps and take care.