The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31332   Message #408384
Posted By: Marion
28-Feb-01 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: Ash Wednesday, Lent, and Music
Subject: RE: Ash Wednesday, Lent, and Music
1. Not exactly an answer to your question, but still music-related and Lent-related: I gave up the fiddle for Lent one year, and the guitar another year. However, I did it in the spirit of Egyptian Coptics (a branch of Orthodoxy). When I lived in Egypt I found that even though Lent is officially 55 days long, only the keeners actually eat vegetarian and go to the special services for all that time. The others start practicing the Lenten disciplines gradually according to their degree of devoutness... a few weeks before Easter, or at Palm Sunday, or starting Maundy Thursday or Good Friday for the slackers. So religious slacker that I am, I start my Lenten discipline on Maundy Thursday. But seriously, fasting from your instruments for a short time might be a better way to cultivate detachment than fasting from meat - especially if, like me, you're a vegetarian anyway.

2. Not an answer to your question either, but Lent-related: here's a prayer I once put together (some is original and some is ripped off from other sources).


Before you bow all the stars, saints, and angels of heaven;
receive also the worship of a broken and contrite heart.

Your face is beyond imagination, your glories beyond number, your nature beyond name;
let yourself be found by one who bears your tattered image.

No secret of my heart or detail of my ways is hidden from you;
hide not yourself from me.

Your service is perfect freedom;
set me free from the service of myself.

There is no goodness but from your hand, and none worthy but you alone;
Put to death my self-righteousness and lust for praise.

Your faithfulness and compassion fill all places and all moments;
look with mercy on the coldness and hesitation of my faith.

You are the end of my journey, the goal of my searching, the home of my loneliness;
be also the guide of my steps.

You love me more than I myself know how to love;
yet such love as is in me I lay at your feet.

3. An answer to your question: I think the hymn "Oh Jesus I have promised to serve thee to the end..." is kind of Lenten.
