The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169016   Message #4083917
Posted By: GUEST,jag
17-Dec-20 - 04:58 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Recitations from Marriott Edgar
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Recitations from Marriott Edgar
I think it's largely a matter of how it was intended at the time, how it was taken by different audiences at the time, and the same two things now.

Was Sam, stubbornly holding out for three ha'pence a foot from Noah, a working class person being mercenary? An audience of factory workers might see him, a 'joiner and building contractor', as a hard-nosed local businessman.

The characters are comic caricatures and Stanley Holloway voiced the parts to gently poke fun at all of them. The Ramsbottoms (a genuine regional name but maybe one picked for humour) are voiced in a Lancashire accent but the zoo manager is 'mock posh'. In 'The Recumbent Posture' the doctor is poked fun at for using an unnecessary long words, the people who won't admit to ignorance are all shopkeepers and the one with letters after his name sounds pompous but isn't quite right.

I suspect Albert would go down fine in a Lancashire folk club (caricaturing our own) and in Yorkshire (taking the p*ss out of the neighbours). But what would be the perception in Surrey?

I guess my mistake was not knowing my audience.

Albert's stick probably came from the co-op, but that wouldn't scan.