The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168982   Message #4084404
Posted By: Mr Red
21-Dec-20 - 03:55 AM
Thread Name: Songs about Aussie/Kiwi dogs or horses?
Subject: RE: Songs about Aussie/Kiwi dogs or horses?
I once came across references to "Paddy the Wanderer" who wandered the docks in Wellington looking for a young girl of the family who owned him. She had died. He was famous locally during the 1930s.

I went digging, even met the mother of the girl and finally got the story that had eluded the media since because the father had deserted and the mother was grieving and refused to talk. (imagine the media honouring a grieving mother's wishes today?)

Anyway, I had too much material and felt that a Folk hero deserved more than lyrics. So I produced a booklet and self-published ISBN 0-473-00622-7. All my research items and data were left with the Alexader Turnbull Library but I can email a PDF of the thing if you contactme