The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169212 Message #4084502
Posted By: MoorleyMan
21-Dec-20 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Now!!
For GerryM, late joiner, before you ask: Tonight's starting songs: Joe Offer - Candle (poem by Micca Patterson) then Merry Christmas from the family by Robert Earl Keen Jr Pelagie Crofton - Poem: Global Warming & The Iceberg by Les Barker David Kidman - Carol - Shepherds, Arise Anne Gregson & Chris Timson - Green grows the holly (by Henry 8th) Alison from Dunoon - Cold winter Mrrzy - The Magnon, adapted from PP&M's The Magi Tony Becker - Do virgins taste better?! Noreen - Stannington (Sheffield carol) then Jim Lucas... by which time i believe you'd joined??