The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31334   Message #408587
Posted By: ddw
01-Mar-01 - 12:21 AM
Thread Name: Modern Blues Players, your thoughts.
Subject: RE: Modern Blues Players, your thoughts.
OK, Steve and GUEST, I'm willing to be convinced. I've never even heard of Hendrix playing acoustic, but I'm certainly going to look up some of it. I've never heard him do anything be what I consider flat-out rock and The Star Spangled Banner.

Guest, am I missing your point about Leadbelly, or are you agreeing with me that he was able to get at the emotion without resorting to primal scream? I've got no problem with rough, raucous voices SINGING, but I lose interest when it goes into the scream range. Any four-year-old can have a tantrum and be about as musical as some of the modern purveyors of what's passing for blues these days.
