The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169103   Message #4086266
Posted By: Senoufou
03-Jan-21 - 11:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: worst poets
Subject: RE: BS: worst poets
While wading through the most enormous list of worthy bards and poets at Edinburgh University, I found such light relief in the verses of William McGonagall. Don't mock him - he was hilarious.
I have a feeling these lines are parodies of his poetry though, but funny just the same:-

"On yonder hill there stood a doocot.(a dovecote)
It's no there noo cos someone took it"
"On yonder hill there stood a coo.
If it's gone it's no there noo".

His Tay Disaster thing was so awful we all giggled like anything during the lectures. Pure doggerel.
All the blooming so-called Romantic poets drove me mad. 'Ode To A Grecian Urn' for example. And loads of other 'Odes'. So affected. (and boring!)