The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31435   Message #408683
Posted By: GUEST,Dita (at work)
01-Mar-01 - 07:20 AM
Thread Name: Thro' the Recent Years (A Fisher/B Dickson)
Subject: RE: info req on Archie Fisher/B.Dickson disc
You are about right with the date, could be 1970. It is one of a series of five put out by Decca around this time. The others are Archie's "Orfio", Barbara's " Mantle trimed with Gold" and "Do-right, Woman" and Rab Noakes "Do you see the lights".
Celtic music put out Years, Orfeo and (I think) Mantle ~1990. Decca have released Woman on CD. I am not aware of any rerelease of Lights.
All these albums have the same lush strings and have the same production feel.
I presume it is the CM tape you have which would explain the ack of notes, Dave Bulmer strikes again.
I will get you more details when I get home to the album covers.
love, john