The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31334   Message #408697
Posted By: GUEST
01-Mar-01 - 08:07 AM
Thread Name: Modern Blues Players, your thoughts.
Subject: RE: Modern Blues Players, your thoughts.

Essentially I am in agreement with you about Leadbelly being able to get at the emotion without resorting to voice box suicide. I was merely pointing out my belief that there are some similarities between Leadbelly's "field hollers" and the primal screams of Janis Joplin, for example. I realize this is arguable.

It boils down to the old saw about "diff'rent strokes...."

Accoustic Hendrix is somewhat rare. Obviously he wasn't known for being unplugged. The track Latimer refers to shows up on a posthumous compilation of blues imaginatively titled, "Blues,", and is the only accoustic track on the recording, if memory serves.