The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33723   Message #4087044
Posted By: Felipa
08-Jan-21 - 08:16 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Brid Og Ni Mhaille/Bridget O'Malley
Subject: RE: Origins: Brid Og Ni Mhaille/Bridget O'Malley
I've asked for an edit re the blue clicky in the above post about musician and collector Carl Hardebeck. If there is no longer a surfeit of purple prose, it has been done.

As the transcripts from Rory are not in modern spelling, and as I don't have the original source documents; I don't know if any corrections are needed. I do note the absence of the "h" to denote lenition; this would have appeared in old print not as an "h" but as a dot about the previous letter (the consonant which was lenited or aspirated). So for instance
Níl níd ar bit is áilne 'n á an gealac ós cionn 'a tsáile
would be Níl nidh ar bith is áille 'n á an ghealach ós cionn a' tsáile.
"nidh" would now be spelled ní and the accent mark over the "i" replaces the "dh". In this case it means "a thing" rather than indicating a negative.

In the last verse in the transcription from Hardiman, I think "b pósaso" must be wrong. I suggest "b-posadh á". We would not have a hyphen between the letter b and the root word "pósadh" nowadays.