The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31418   Message #408784
Posted By: Jim the Bart
01-Mar-01 - 10:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Budget Struggle
Subject: RE: BS: The Budget Struggle
One short (hopefully) example of why I question GWB's words vs. deeds: The Defense Budget.

He said something along the lines that strategic requirements would determine budgetary, rather than the opposite. This is as it should be. At the same time, he is adamant about Star Wars-style missile defenses. To me, and to a lot of guys a lot smarter than me, this makes no sense.

I see the missile defense issue as pointless for two reasons. 1. It won't work. The military's testing can't get it to work. Many experts think it will never work. 2. ICBM's are no longer the primary threat to our security. Terrorism, both domestic and international, is a much more critical concern.

Bush is Ivy League educated; he and/or his top aides have to be aware of the cost/ROI (return on investment) problems with this type of defense system. If it truly doesn't make sense strategically, why push it when the money can be spent on other defense needs?

Could it be the same old military/industrial complex influence that Ike warned us about rearing its ugly head? Or has the new president been sold a bill of goods? "Yeah, it sounds like a good idea. Don't want bombs hitting American Cities. O.K. I'm for it!" Either way, it doesn't bode well.
