The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167528   Message #4088209
Posted By: Sandra in Sydney
15-Jan-21 - 08:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Check in Mudcatters world wide
Subject: RE: BS: Check in Mudcatters world wide
skarpi, Mother Nature is certainly picking on Iceland.

Australia is in a better position than many countries, but we also have immortals who don't wear masks cos it's "fake news." Some even wear MAGA caps & also M(Australia)GA caps. One almost-famous young woman gets more "fame" by fighting against sensible measures. I think she was once on a reality show, but won't give her more air.

Here in Sydney we have finally been ordered to wear masks on public transport (instead of just Strongly Encouraged) & in indoor venues - shopping centres, clubs, pubs etc plus individual shops. Fines apply.

It's good to see a carriage/bus full of masks. I never felt silly in my mask, & I once had a lovely conversations with THE other wearer as we were waiting for a ferry a few months ago. ps. at least 6 other masks got off that mid-week ferry with maybe 50 unmasked, perhaps the earlier commuter ferries had more masks. As many folks as possible across the country worked from home, but not everyone can.

As I live alone ever since day one, I've made sure I go out each day to get the paper & a few groceries. I've also visited a few friends & had a few visitors, mainly my neighbour who doesn't have a printer, & the friend who sorts out my computer. I've also travelled to more distant suburbs to get something I couldn't get locally. In August I was able to attend the first 2020 concert (socially distanced & disinfected) of another club, no singing along allowed, but humming inside masks is singing without words, so we could participate!

In October we were able to celebrate our Club's 30th birthday in a small registered club (socially distanced, masked & humming) as our council venue was not available. I'm currently booking small acts for our return to our venue in late February, our hall is currently restricted to 35(socially distanced, disinfected & masked.) The hall normally takes 100, so I've left choirs to the later part of the year, hoping we will have larger audiences: 20 on stage + 15 audience wouldn't pay the rent, let alone the artists.

I don't think of my life as restricted - masks, hand sanitisers & leaving contact details in shops & other places are not restrictions. I just choose what I want to do - as I said, life in Australia even with the lockdowns we have had, is less painful than in other countries. Our vaccine program will start late February.
