The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4088979
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
20-Jan-21 - 04:00 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021

I have recovered from whatever was ailing me for those couple weeks, or more. Today, I realized I had scared Robin. In the midst of being tortured by the QC bureaucracy, he needs all the support I can give him. Far too complex to elucidate but if it ever ends, you shall hear the grand hurrah! And if does not end soon, I fear for his health.

I might need to participate in a Zoom meeting on Friday; I managed to download zoom but could make no sense of any instructions. They seem to assume some obscure knowledge - I have none! SO, I made a request to the group meant to support anglophones in QC - PLEASE! And this am, a charming and delightful young man with a very clear voice, emailed me and connected me and we had a marvellous conversation - from the Irish in Canada, to politics, the needs of young people and books, history.... I have zoomed! and it was wonderful. The hardest part was entering the incredibly "secure" PW. I need to engrave it on my left hand!

Interesting here to read about walks and darkness... I don't think I ever feared the dark, and love it. Lights are onerous to me. It was a dreadful shock to move here and find a streetlight outside the BR window and the need for heavy drapes. The other side of this is my love of watching the light arrive in the am! Which R does not like! Oh well, I wait until we need to be up - between 8 and 9 am, then open the south drape for Hibbie (hibiscus). Then the west one opens then R gets up. At Beaver, I have my way! NO artificial LIGHTS ANYWHERE! Apparently this human need for lighting is also detrimental to all the wildlings.

The heat is staying fixed, so far. we each check each am! The heat pump could become reality in my lifetime. 60% fuel savings does cause R to think hard! But nothing is going to happen around here until the travesty with the govt ends, hopefully without us both disintegrating. Ten years is far too long. So, I am not thinking of going to Beaver until we can go together to recover. It will be a major de-clutter when it comes to pass, but only if there is justice.

Silly me, watched the internet for busy-ness of the two stores - WOW, the chart was way low! So I dashed out to the car- Oops 6 inches of frozen snow covered it And it was precipitating something akin to sleet, the sort of night I would have said NO WAY! But I was in gear and managed to clear the windshield - forget the rest. Yes it is illegal but it definitely was not going anywhere. Bought a ton of groceries in the empty stores. And got back in time to put it all away before Terry Joe Banjo's LR concert!

Today, I de-cluttered my US account with a subscription to Atlantic M. Digital and by mail. I can read the dig but R wanted to be able to hold it. Now, if I could figure out e-transfer so I can donate to the two concerts this week.

Need a tough snow shovel to clear some of the back deck and recover the sizable quantity of potting soil from down under! worked on that yesterday but the store phone recording was only in French with no helps... Here I go!