The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169206   Message #4089205
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
22-Jan-21 - 07:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Tripe - The foodstuff
Subject: BS: Tripe
No, not another word for BS - The foodstuff

I just had some for lunch. I do indulge quite often but usually have it cooked with onion in a white sauce or battered and fried in small pieces. This time though I went old school and had it cold with salad. Plenty of malt vinegar and white pepper. Very enjoyable.

I remember first having it at the UCP restaurant on Market Street in Manchester. UCP stood for United Cattle Products if I remember rightly and they had a whole chain of them I believe. I only remember them for serving tripe as I just had it as well as, I think, pies of various sorts but presumably all beef.

Anyone else here either a tripeophile or remember the UCP restaurants?