The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169209   Message #4089589
Posted By: Felipa
23-Jan-21 - 05:15 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Subject: RE: Mudcat singaround Irish & Scottish Gaelic
Did someone actually sing A Stór mo Chroí in Irish. There is an Irish translation of the song, but the original was written in English with just the phrase "A Stór mo Chroí" (yo, treasure of my heart) in English.

The Quiet Land of Erin is a translation in the other direction, from Irish to English. Irish Gaelic language words are already posted on Mudcat

LEANABH AN ÀIGH (Scottish Gaelic)

Leanabh an àigh leanabh bh'aig Màiri
rugadh 'san stàbull Rìgh nam Dùl,
thàinig do'n fhàsach dh'fhulang nar n-àite,
son' iad an àireamh bhitheas dha dlùth.

Ged a bhios leanaban aig rìghrean na talmhainn
an greadhnachas àrd is anabarr mùirn
's gearr gus am falabh iad 's fàsaidh iad anfhann
an àilleachd 's an dealbh a' searg 'san ùir.

Cha b'ionnan an t-uan thàinig gar fuasgladh
iriseal stuama ghluais e'n tùs.
E naomh gun truailleachd cruithear an t-sluaighe
dh'èirich e suas le buaidh o'n ùir.

Leanabh an àigh mar dh'aithris na fàidhean
's na h-aingealan àrd b'e miann an sùl,
's e 's airidh air gràdh 's ar n'urram thoirt dha.
Sona an àireamh bhitheas dha dlùth.
translation by Tom Thomson


The child of joy, the child who was Mary's,
born in the stable, Lord of the Universe,
came to the wilderness to suffer in place of us.
happy are those who are close to him.

Although kings in the world have children
in high pomp and with much joy
they are soon gone and they grow weak
their beauty and their figure withering in the grave(1).

Nothing is equal to the lamb who came to free us,
humble and modest when he first moved,
saintly, with no impurity, the creator of humanity
he rose up with victory from the grave(2).

The child of joy as told by the prophets
and the archangels, he was the apple of their eye(3),
it is he who deserves to be loved and honoured(4)
happy are those who are close to him.
1.literally; in the soil
2.literally; from the soil
3.or their heart's desire; literally: their eyes' wish
4.literally: to be given love and our honour. I think the original poem had "air urram" where AC [Arthur Cormack]sings "ar n'urram", so that "our" was not in it.
Arthur Cormack rendition - Fiona Mackenzie rendition
Sheet music

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