The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169212 Message #4090297
Posted By: GerryM
27-Jan-21 - 10:05 PM
Thread Name: Songs from the Mudcat Worldwide Singaround
Subject: RE: Mudcat Worldwide Singaround - On Zoom Mondays
Here's my list of songs/poems/stories that were sung/recited/shared, in order, at the Singaround on 25/26 January 2021. Thanks as ever to Moorley Man for filling me in on the ones that came before I joined, and thanks to others who supplied me with titles. I made up a name for Jane Nicholls' story about the box in the attic, and for Charlotte Oliver's reply to Lady Franklin's Lament. Corrections, additions, and random wisecracks always welcome. Here you go:
Bells of Norwich (Julian of Norwich - Sydney Carter) Now Westlin Winds Hermione (to the tune of Rolling Down to Old Maui) Backblock Shearer Parachutiste (in French) Gloomy Winter's Noo Awa' Ode to a Vegetarian Haggis (poem) Jumbo Stevens Johnny Lad Ye Banks and Braes (aka Banks O' Doon) If It Wasnae for Your Wellies Seven Faded Letters I Ain't Got No Home Slave's Lament Let's Have a Ride on your Bicycle To Daunton Me Loch Lomond Mill Mill O Night Visiting Song Bogie's Bonnie Belle Are You A Grotty Yachty Gay Spanish Maid Dumbarton's Drums Neocortex Pack Up Your Sorrows The Times They Are a-Changin' Mingulay Boat song Chemical Worker's Song Wife to a Cocky Farmer Reply to Lady Franklin's Lament (?) Andrew and His Cutty Gun On Susan's Floor Ae Fond Kiss Lowlands Heart's Home Henry Martin Flower in the Wildwood Rosario Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation (aka Parcel of Rogues, aka Rogues in a Nation) Ca' the Ewes Imagine a Girl (poem) Leave Us, Donald, Leave Us We Shall Be Renewed King of Rome A Man's a Man for A' That (aka Is There For Honest Poverty?) West Virginia Boys How Will I Ever Be Simple Again? Time is a Tempest The Bonny Earl of Moray Charlie on the MTA My Love is Like a Dewdrop Nepudem Domu (We Won't Go Home, in Czech) Till the Dance is Mine Far Side Banks of Jordan Dumbarton's Drums Whiskey in the Jar (aka Gilgarra Mountain, aka Kilgary Mountain) Sam's Gone Away Since Then The Bonniest Lass In China or a Woman's Heart In the Morning (poem) The Polished Box in the Attic (story) Scarborough Settler's Lament Jamie Foyers O Whistle and I'll Come to Ye, My Lad Braw Lads o' Gala Water Health to the Company How Can I Keep From Singing