The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169253   Message #4090566
Posted By: GUEST,Kent in Oklahoma
29-Jan-21 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Jim Ringer/San Bernardino
Subject: Origins: Jim Ringer/San Bernardino

In 1984, when I was a wee lad of 21, I emceed a live radio broadcast with Jim Ringer and Mary McCaslin when they played Oklahoma City. Each did a short solo set, then of course they did a set together. Lovely people and a terrific show.

In Jim's set, he did a song that included these words in the chorus: "Out in San Bernardino, where nobody calls, and being lonesome don't matter at all."

I've been searching for it for years, trying to find a recording. When Googling, everything comes back with Mary's song "San Bernardino Waltz." It's definitely NOT the same song, and I'm afraid I can't remember the rest of the lyrics. What stands out in my mind is that Jim told the story before the song of when he and Mary first moved to San Bernardino, and none of their friends ever called them. It took them a while to realize their phone had never been connected! Hence, "San Bernardino, where nobody calls..."

Anyone have any clues about this song? I've love to get hold of a recording, if one exists. Thanks.