The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4090594
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
29-Jan-21 - 08:04 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021

And wondering when we shall ever get back to Beaver! Tonight I was looking at pottery supply sites, pondering the idea of purchasing a new wheel and clay; Desperation setting in! R did mention taking a truckload of machinery to somewhere east of Toronto "soon". "lockdowns" in both Quebec and Ontario - each with own unclear rules and if I go to ON will I be able to come back to QC??? The autocrat in Quebec City is clueless imo. But numbers have dropped. But he can change rules with the speed of summer lightning.

This means I am feeling better physically and need to DO Something, specifically produce pottery for an order, and for summer - hopeful! Anyway, I wanted to do some cleaning yesterday but could find neither broom nor dustpan. Put a note on R's place mat! Yep! They were down cellar. MY tools! I am getting frustrated by the fact that I cannot just run to a store and get this or that. I really feel the need to plan for best times. The list for "next trip" now includes clean up tools for the cellar - actually for me; he can use the old ones!

At minus 17C I was not keen on going out the door but the sun on the front was so wonderful that I de-cluttered the car of a few inches of snow, after sweeping the front steps of the last bit. Nice to be out for a few minutes. I feel the days getting longer and sense spring on its way.

Did sort out some sewing projects the other day. Would love to make a dress out of a beautiful piece of soft cotton. Hung it over the ironing board to remind me. Do not have the guts to cut the neckline without a real pattern - not found yet. SIGH!

Did up some sauteed pears for BF, quite a lot but R loves them. Saving the seeds to see if I can start some more pear trees. For what purpose? Just because.

Supposed to get warmer at end of next week; just maybe I can go to Beaver on my own. There will be tons of frozen snow... Ordering new wheel and clay...sounds better again. Even a serious thaw will not get me into the studio.

I did clean some floors. Now looking at the rads... Any ideas for cleaning long neglected rads will be considered. I am sure the need to clean is a sign of spring!