The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166522   Message #4090692
Posted By: Donuel
30-Jan-21 - 11:51 AM
Thread Name: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Subject: RE: MOAB - Mother of All BS [annex]
Avi Loeb astrphysicist and a former big wheel at Harvard has a thought process I admire. He noticed that Umauma accelerated away from the sun in excess of a light sail. Its speed from outside the solar system suggests that it is much like a stationary buoy in the galaxy and the solar system moved past it in its corkscrew orbit around our galaxy. He also noticed it was flat and not cigar shaped as first assumed.
It is our own Navy that has has incontravertibl evidence of intelligently controled craft beyond human capability.
Maybe what Avi explored was a craft, but its occcupants are either dead or gone.

In you mind you have capacities, you know
To telepath messages through the vast unknown
Please close your eyes and concentrate
With every thought you think
Upon the recitation we're about to sing

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft

You've been observing our Earth
And we'd like to make
A contact with you

We are your friends

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, ultra emissaries

We've been observing your Earth
And one night we'll make
A contact with you

We are your friends

Calling occupants of interplanetary, quite extraordinary craft

And please come in peace, we beseech you
Only our love we will teach them
Our Earth may never survive
So do come, we beg you

Please, interstellar policeman
Oh won't you give us a sign
Give us a sign
That we've reached you

Oh do

With your mind you have ability to form
And transmit thought energy far beyond the norm
You close your eyes, you concentrate
Together, that's the way
To send the message we declare World Contact Day

Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary craft
Calling occupants of interplanetary, most extraordinary craft

Calling occupants
Calling occupants
Calling occupants of interplanetary, anti-adversary craft

We'd like to make a contact with you
now that we've reached each other
By the way please wear a mask and gloves