The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169250   Message #4090777
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
30-Jan-21 - 09:40 PM
Thread Name: Are all folk musicians political?
Subject: RE: Are all folk musicians political?
I think maybe OP has to ask herself....

If there were an accomplished, sophisticated, urbane songwriter doing concerts - but with Donald trump set of opinions and values would she booking be him/her for her concerts?

Perhaps its just a set of things that you don't see eye to eye with. Either way Facebooking each other about your different ideas won't help. An open squabble on FB will only attract your friend's even nuttier friends.

At various times I've had margaret Thatcher fans and Arthur Scargill fans catholics and orangemen work as my roadies cos they liked my guitar playing, or they liked me.

Its one of our tragedies as humans that whilst we may be political animals, and indeed politics may inveigle its way into every part of our lives - still we are more complicated than that. and Thank god, or whoever that we are.