The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4090874
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
31-Jan-21 - 04:00 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021

Another cold sunny day. Lots of animal tracks in the woods. I made tracks last night, after I checked "how busy" and dashed off to do shopping at the two shops. And get back before the 8 pm curfew. With double mask, it was a tich harder to breath plus the stress and the hurry, I was glad that R was home to help bring in bags and even helped put some away. Actually nice to have him becoming more K savvy - as long as he does not get in the way of my choreographed preps. He scavenged his own supper last night from myriad planned overs. I had a grilled cheese and green pepper on pumpernickel sandwich - first in several years. Fed up with sameness, added a few new items to freezer. Fried sweet potato slices are a new fav - in shallow olive oil in frying pan, drained on piece of sheeting.

Minding plants, now that furnace is working they need more watering! Found my patterns!!! And a couple unfinished projects. Still undecided about how to proceed with pottery. If I could get a trustworthy person to clear the back decks at Beaver ... Messaged Dan and trying to think who else might know such a person. A nasty job with all that frozen snow. Fire in stove today.

Finally found a book that interests me amongst all those he has dragged home. (Last Train to Berlin, a memoir, nicely written)