The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169250   Message #4091368
Posted By: The Sandman
04-Feb-21 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: Are all folk musicians political?
Subject: RE: Are all folk musicians political?
I too like certain political songs, but i also like story songs and i also like love songs.
What annoys me are people who do not make their meaning clear when they post on mudcat.
Bonzo brought MartinSimpson in to this discussion, unless you have a closed mind[ which Bonzo appears to be trying to have], it is difficult not to be affected by the lyrics because it is a powerfully written song, you might have valid crticisms of the song as Jim McLEAN has done, from the point of view of a conscientous objector and because it does not say, as the universal soldier does that people can refuse to go to war, but it is difficult not to be affected by it,
It is difficult not to be affected by the lyrics of strange fruit, because it is powrfully written. we are talking primarily about   lyrics
if the song has a clear meaning it is not necessary to give a political lecture., a few words will suffice. the people who go to listen to martin simpson for his guitar wizadry are not getting it at all. Songs have something to say,if you want guitar wizadry listen to guitar instrumentals.
there is only one daft person on this forum and that is the person who says.
Subject: RE: Are all folk musicians political?
From: Bonzo3legs - PM
Date: 03 Feb 21 - 09:57 AM

I care nothing for a performer's political beliefs, I just don't want to hear about them - absolutely nothing to do with the music.

I DO care about the sound of the music!!!

he is effectively saying that lyrics are not important,
furthermore i believe he is not telling the truth. I am sure that if there was a song about cruelty to greyhounds, Bonzo would be listening and clappimg loudly
Bonzo just does not want to hear left wing opinions in song.I am sure Martin Simpson takes no notice of the likes of Bonzo, thank god for that.