The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169020   Message #4091492
Posted By: Joe Offer
04-Feb-21 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: ADD: bonny little bunch of rushes/Gathering Rushes
Subject: ADD: Gathering Rushes (from Reeves)
48 Gathering Rushes


As I walked out one morning, thinking to take some sport
Down by a crystal fountain where people did resort,
'Twas there I spied a fair maid and she was all alone
With a bunch of rushes in her hand she’d been gathering all the

She’d been gathering all the morn,
She’d been gathering all the morn,
With a bunch of rushes in her hand
she’d been gathering all the morn.

Good morning to you, fair maid, how came you here so soon?
I have been gathering rushes and now I am returning home.
He said, Fair maid, come along with me down to yon shady grove
And for evermore I will prove true, I’ll swear to the powers above.
Chorus: I’ll swear to the powers above . . .

Then he took her by the lily-white hand and gave her kisses sweet.
She said, Young man be civil, don’t me ill entreat.
She says, You’re going to delude me because that I am poor and low,
So I pray, young man, don’t tease me or break my rushes, oh.
Chorus: Or break my rushes, oh . . .

Then this fair maid consented to lay her rushes down,
The morning being dewy she spread her morning gown.
And now if trouble I should gain, the world will on me frown;
I shall remember gathering rushes and spreading my morning gown.
Chorus: And spreading my morning gown . . .

Notes from Reeves:

#48 in The Everlasting Circle, by James Reeves ©1960, pp118-119