The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169020   Message #4091493
Posted By: Joe Offer
04-Feb-21 - 03:38 PM
Thread Name: ADD: bonny little bunch of rushes/Gathering Rushes
Subject: ADD: The Reaping of the Rushes Green

As I walked out one morning, it being in the merry month of May,
Me and my two wild beagles, hoping to find some game to kill.
When I spied no one but Mary; she appeared to me like a virgin queen
She being at her daily labour at the reaping of her rushes green.

She says, "Young man, be easy! Go on your way, aye, and let me be.
Do not toss or spoil my rushes. Hard labour I have toiled by thee."
"If I toss or spoil them carelessly, a far greener bunch I'll reap for thee.
So sit you down beside me; some pleasant stories I'll tell thee.”
"I know it's hard to refuse thee, although you might lead me astray.
So I'll sit down beside you till the morning dew melts fast away."

As my love and I sat courting. it being 'neath yon green laurel tree.
And the small birds sang melodiously, changing their notes from tree to tree.
The larks sang loud in chorusly [chorus] while I embraced my virgin queen.
Mary, my love Mary and her bonny bunch of rushes green.

Since my love and I got married, great riches she has gained by me.
She has servants to attend her and to keep her from all slavery.
Her waist grew long and slender. This whole wide world I'd reign for her.
For Mary, my love Mary and her bonny bunch of rushes green.

Recorded by Keith Summers in McGrath's bar, Brookeborough, Co. Fermanagh, 6 August 1980

From Voice of the People, volume 18, To Catch a Fine Buck Was My Delight: Songs of hunting and poaching