The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169250   Message #4091549
Posted By: Allan Conn
05-Feb-21 - 02:52 AM
Thread Name: Are all folk musicians political?
Subject: RE: Are all folk musicians political?
Everyone listens to music differently and what mg says reminds me of my wife. She often doesn't really doesn't clock what a song is about. It is more the sound of the words she likes so as long as there is not a line that grates she is happy with the words and chooses not to analyse. It is more the melody etc she goes for. On the other hand I do kind of delve into the words and try and work out the meaning or story if there is one etc. People will enjoy music as they wish to enjoy music. Saying that I don't need songs to mean something or have a story. I like abstract lyrics too where it is more just the sound of the words and images thrown up. Like much mid 60s Dylan or the likes of Bowie's "Bewley Brothers" and "Quicksand" etc.