The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31142   Message #409204
Posted By: Amos
01-Mar-01 - 09:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: major religions-homophobia II
Subject: RE: BS: major religions-homophobia II
Morality as a cultural code can only be researched through comparative anthropology. Anything in a cultural code of rules may have genuine value contributing to the well being of individuals or the group, or it may not. Lots of cultural morals (or is it morays) have no basis other than persistance -- they are opinions insitututionalized. Some are things that once meant better survival and no have no bearing due to advances, for example, in hygeine or food-handling practices. Many are just bizarre and arbitrary, their context and meaning having long since disappeared from view; all that is left is the superstition, yet folks will hold on to them harder than a terrier on a rat.

Researching actual ethics, meaning how one recognizes right action, best value for life, is another question altogether. It seems to be an inherent quality of life to greater or lesser degree. A sense of justice, similarly, although it may be colored by local practices, seems to be almost innate. Kid slearn very very early to protest unfairness, even when it doesn't involve them directly. There's a rich field of discovery for you. But you'd have to get your arms around the difference between the two things first. Make a helluva thesis!