The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169209   Message #4092765
Posted By: Monique
12-Feb-21 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Mudcat singaround songs NOT in English
Sung by Steve Belsey

Slunéčko zachodí za Janovu horu
a už bude večer, chvála pánu Bohu.

Slunéčko zachodí za veliký kámen
a moje srdénko zahoří jak plamen.

Zahoří, zahoří bolesťú na dlúze
že moja frajarka do večera umře.

Zkazujú, zkazujú do širého pola,
mú milú nezralú Smtolka dostala.

Už nám ta děvinka už nám zahynula,
neščastná láska ta jú kosila.

Slunéčko zachodí za Janovu horu
a už bude večer, chvála pánu Bohu.

The sun sets behind John's mountain
the evening is coming, thank God

The sun sets behind a big stone
and my heart is burning like a flame

It is burning in pain for long
because my beloved girl is going to die this evening

I am screaming into the open field
death took my beloved girl

The girl has already died
unhappy love killed her

The sun sets behind John's mountain
the evening is coming, thank God
Translation borrowed from Lyricstranslate 1 - Lyricstranslate 2
Čechomor recording 1
Another live rendition
Čechomor live rendition 2004
Čechomor website

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