The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31468   Message #409335
Posted By: Wolfgang
02-Mar-01 - 04:34 AM
Thread Name: What DO Physicists Think About?
Subject: RE: What DO Physicists Think About?
If you've enjoyed the paper above you'll surely also enjoy this article.

On a more serious note, I am completely unable to tell whether what this physicist has to say has any value or not. Only peers have a chance to judge that. The history of physics is full with peer reviewed ideas or experiments which later turned out to have no value. So what. Future will tell. However, I#d be surprised if we'd hear again of this particular idea.

I have always been amazed how eagerly concepts from physics which have a clear meaning in a particular context (energy, force, harmony,...) have been used e.g in a New Age context as if these concepts meant anything remotely similar to what non-physicists mean when they use these words.
