The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31460   Message #409493
Posted By: Steve Parkes
02-Mar-01 - 09:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Eyebrows
Subject: RE: BS: Eyebrows
Tig, it's for whebn you get your livibg by the sweat of your brow (see Genesis--the Book not the Band!) it doesn't keep dripping into your eyes.

I'm well-endowed in the eyebrow dept, and you knowwhat they say abut the size of a man's eyebrows! At nearly 50., I've still got a full head of hair,justbeginning to go grey at the edges (sorry Roger!). When I trod the boards with Stonnall Players a few years ago, the EBs were handy when playing bad guys: a bit of mascara and curl up the long ends: instant Mikado! The same technique works on the 'tache too. Bad luck, girls!
