The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #78877   Message #4095870
Posted By: Senoufou
03-Mar-21 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Happy St Davids Day March 1
Subject: RE: BS: Happy St Davids Day March 1
My husband does an excellent imitation of a Welsh accent (he speaks three languages, Malinke, French and English, enjoying/imitating several UK accents)
He loved the TV comedy show 'Little Britain' where the chap boasts that he's "The only gay in the village" in that sing-song Welsh voice. So the naughty man likes to tell people round here "I'm the on-ly black in the vill-age!" Now another black man has come to live up the road (and with a white wife, just like us!) So he isn't any more.
He does however greet everyone with the Norfolk hello: "Are yew orlroit bor?"