The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16554 Message #4095966
Posted By: GUEST,Phil d'Conch
04-Mar-21 - 05:09 AM
Thread Name: Help: What is a bulgine?
Subject: RE: Help: What is a bulgine?
Could you post the FB text here? Seems way early for a steam pumper.
Sailors used portable steam pumps. The interwebs is a mess but, I thought the old Merryweather Valiant-class portable mentioned in the other thread was Royal Navy design & issue. I've seen old war/govt surplus in civilian use. Still checking but even so, it's a bit late for the shanty era.
And I've never seen “bulgine” used in naval architecture, railroad or fire apparatus plans, drawings, purchase orders &c. It's not professional lingo. It's pop media-speak for “steam engine” already lifted from minstrelsy a bit before the classic shanty era is supposed to have begun.
Get out the way... is the early period Ethiopian railroad locomotive engine which begat,
Run with the... portable steam pump a few human generations of minstrelsy later. Facebook pending that is.