The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13088   Message #4097083
Posted By: Senoufou
10-Mar-21 - 06:10 PM
Thread Name: Amusing Work Songs??
Subject: RE: Amusing Work Songs??
what about "Right Said Fred" sung by Bernard Cribbens?
(Some Cockney men trying to get a piano up the stairs, and every now and then they have a cup of tea) It can be found on Youtube. (Sorry, can't do blue clicky things)
It was first recorded in 1962 and got into the charts!
Fred keeps having bright ideas about how they can shift the thing, and eventually he thinks taking a crowbar to the ceiling will solve the problem. "Is 'e in trouble, 'alf a ton of rubble landed on the top of 'is dome. So Charlie and me 'ad another cup of tea, and then we went 'ome"
I used to love this song,it always made me laugh!