The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169238   Message #4097897
Posted By: Shogun
16-Mar-21 - 06:59 AM
Thread Name: Discovering world legacy of shanties by 'Shogun'
Subject: RE: Discovering world legacy of shanties by 'Shogun'
072 - Sacramento (Norvegian English worded version)

This song was sung as a capstan anchor shanty, especially when raising the "mud-hook".
Stan Hugill has given us a funny story about an uncensored, Norwegian version of this song. It is a conversation of old Norwegian sailors:
'Do you remember how the Norwegian version of this shanty went?'
'I do, but... it is too horrible! What we sang is now better forgotten!'
'yes, that is so, ... Let's give Wergland's bowdlerized version instead ...'
Unfortunately, Stan Hugill Did not provide more verses, to this great song.
"Shanties from the Seven Seas" by Stan Hugill (1st ed: p 112).

Sacramento (Norvegian English worded version)

Now we are leaving here, shipmate,
   - Ota Hayti, Ota Hayti!
Soon shall we see the Golden Gate,
   - In the Ota Hayti, ho!

   - Blow, boys, blow for Californio,
   - There is plenty of gold, so I am told,
   - On the banks of Sacramento.

Oh, heave and weigh the anchor light!
The flying-fish is swimming tight.