The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169503   Message #4098133
Posted By: Steve Shaw
17-Mar-21 - 08:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: The other recipe thread is too long
Subject: RE: BS: The other recipe thread is too long
Gotta keep eating the fish! We eat tons of fish, smoked mackerel from the supermarket, unsalted tuna sandwiches, tuna with pasta, that lovely sockeye wild salmon from the cold Pacific, at least one dollop per week of (usually) chunky white fish from Tracey, our lovely fishmonger half a mile away at the beach house shop... It costs us, but bejaysus, if we didn't support the local fishmonger, we'd lose her... I'll eat any fish with relish...

In the last nine months I've had two really serious bouts of cellulitis, which totally pees me off. On Monday I have to have a blood test at my doc's behest to see if I have diabetes, which I haven't got. Sheesh. I shall eat fish and eschew puddings the night before. And no booze. I have cod. I have peas to mush. I have organic spuds to chip. I feel really well. Bugger the medics, eh...? Grr...