The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94598   Message #4098170
Posted By: GUEST,Nick Dow
18-Mar-21 - 05:52 AM
Thread Name: Origins: The Foggy Foggy Dew (bachelor)
Subject: ADD The Foggy Foggy Dew (bachelor)
Here is the version I collected in Broadwindsor 1985. The tune is the RVW Peter Pears tune. The singer was Dick Corbett. He sang three verses in public, and gave me most of the others the day after, because he thought they were too miserable to sing in the pub!


Now I am a bachelor I lives by my self,
And I work and the weavers trade,
The only thing I ever done wrong
was to woo me a fair young maid.
I wooed her in the summertime, part of the winter too,
And the only thing I ever done wrong,
Was to save her from the Foggy Dew.

One night as I lay on my bed
As I was fast asleep,
She came that night to my bedside
    and bitter she did weep.
She wept, she cried, she damn near died,
Says I what can I do?
So I took her into bed and I covered up her head,
To save her from the Foggy Dew.

In the first part of that night,
    how we did sport and play,
and in the second part of that night
She in me arms did lay.
When broad daylight did appear,
She cried "I am undone!"
"Oh hold your tongue, you silly young fool,
the old Foggy dew is gone!"

"Now when will you come on me love,
when will the child come on?"
"When the winter leaves turn to green
    the summer ones come on."
When nine long months were gone and past,
I cried "What can I do?"
For as she begun to bear my son,
She died from that Foggy Dew.

Well I'm still a bachelor, and I lives with me son,
And I work at the Weavers trade.
Every time I look into his eyes,
He reminds me of that fair young maid.
He reminds me in the summertime,
And part of the winter to.
Of the many many times I held her in my arms,
To save her from the Foggy Foggy Dew.

Dick said the Foggy Dew was some sort of Ghost.