The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #63049   Message #4098426
Posted By: GUEST,LarryTheRadioGuy
19-Mar-21 - 08:32 PM
Thread Name: ADD Lyr/Tune: President Garfield
Subject: RE: Tune Req: president garfield
I've been listening to Jack Elliott's version on his 2006 I Stand Alone album.....with lyrics quite different from his earlier version that Joe has so kindly written out.

Especially different is the account of his wife's response....where the first version has Garfield proposing that she find someone else, and in the 2nd version, it is she who does the asking.

(There's also a great version by Johnny Cash).

What I'm wondering is whether there was any 'truth' to any of the events in those different versions of the song (other than the assassination itself).   Has anybody done any in-depth research?

Last verse from the I Stand Alone rendition.

Now, Mrs. Garfield come in, walked up to the bed, looked down at Mr. Garfield, and said, "Mr. Garfield, if somethin' was to go wrong and you don't get well, would you mind if I was to marry again?" And he gave her somethin' sorta like this:

Don't you never let a chance go by, lord, lord
Don't you never let a chance go by
Don't you never let a chance go by, lord, lord
Don't you never let a chance go by