The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169503   Message #4098532
Posted By: Mrrzy
20-Mar-21 - 12:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: The other recipe thread is too long
Subject: RE: BS: The other recipe thread is too long
I am trying something different because my farmer's market had duck eggs.

Fried some onions in snail butter and hot peppers. Into bowl.

Fried some mushrooms in same pan, with thyme. Into same bowl.

Fried some bacon. Decided it was too sweet, set aside, wiped out pan.

Wilted spinach in the pan. Ate bacon while doing that. Into bowl.

Mixed contents of bowl, then into over-safe dish previously greased with some goose grease.

Beat 2 duck eggs in bowl, poured over veg. Used utensil to push sticking-up bits down into egg.

Grated some cheddar for the top.

Into toaster oven at 350°F.

Not sure if it is a crustless quiche or a frittata or what.

Will report back.