The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6208   Message #4099072
Posted By: GUEST
24-Mar-21 - 01:39 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: This is a long shot (Eddie...Brown)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: This is a long shot (Eddie...Brown)
As a kid we always sang this at "Camp Fire Girls" summer camp. But our song was Anna Cucha Catcha Camma TosaNary TosaKnocka Samma Camma Wacky Brown, fell into the well, fell into the well, fell into the deep dark well..well, well, well....
There was pantomine acting out each part of the song. We never tired of doing it and teaching it to the newcomers each year!
1.Susie Jones, milking in the barn, saw her fall, ran inside and told her Ma that: Anna....
2.Then her Ma, making crackling bread, ran outside, to tell Old Joe that Susie said that: Anna...
3.Then Old Joe, laid his plow aside, grabbed his cane, hobbled down to town, told the town, told the town that Susie said that: Anna...
4.Then the town, ran down to the well..what a shame, it took so long to say her name that: Anna Cucha Catcha Camma TosaNary TosaKnocka Samma Camma Wacky Brown...drowned.