The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31508   Message #409916
Posted By: little john cameron
02-Mar-01 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Proper Wearing of a Kilt - Let 'em Swing
Subject: RE: BS: Proper Wearing of a Kilt - Let 'em Swing
Dinnae bother wi aw that stuff,jist barrel aboot as usual.Wha cares if yer faimly jools get an airin?Ah jist wander aboot lookin nonchalant an relax wi mah pint an mah feet on the table.It a laugh an a hauf tae watch the weemin,an the odd man,drappin stuff on the flair an pickin it up.Keep awa fae sniffin dugs though as that can be a bit dodgy. ljc