The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11870 Message #4100312
Posted By: Joe Offer
01-Apr-21 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Curragh of Kildare/The Winter It Is Past
Subject: RE: Origins: Curragh of Kildare/The Winter It Is Past
Felipa, the above post is now complete. It's a copy of the "incorrect" post above that you complained about. I'll now change that offending post into a corrected transcription of the Christy Moore recording. The recordings by Christy Moore and the Johnstons are certainly not original, but they are the most popular recent performances - and I almost always prefer songs with choruses because I love to sing with other people. When a post of lyrics is complete to my satisfaction, I formalize the format and add particular markings to identify it as checked. If it's a post from me and the title is not in big, bold letters, it's not finished yet or it's a part of an ongoing process of discovery. I suppose it's an unfair advantage that I can post something and then edit it, but I try to make good and honest use of that privilege. If you make a mistake, it's best to post the message a second time with corrections, far easier than asking me to correct one or another word. Just mark the second one so we'll know it's the corrected version, and we'll delete the previous message. -Joe-