The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167504   Message #4100969
Posted By: Steve Shaw
06-Apr-21 - 08:13 AM
Thread Name: BS: New news on the pandemic COVID-19
Subject: RE: BS: New news on the pandemic COVID-19
If we want to stop new variants getting into the country, and if we want to prevent another wave, we have to close our borders. Overwhelmingly, that means stopping foreign holidays. I don't think anyone has the right to go on holiday to anywhere on earth at the moment and risk bringing the virus into the country. A foreign holiday is absolutely a non-essential. I know that some people have relatives overseas. That's just too bad. The risks of foreign travel are not just a risk to those families but are a risk to the whole country. My mum died in a care home in October and for the last nine months of her life I could see her for one hour every two weeks through a plastic screen, having visited her five times a week before that. There was no vaccine then and we had to accept that situation in order to keep everyone safe. What do you think, Rain Dog? There are things that are crucial we do, and there are things being used to control us that are no more than pissing round the edges. As for your question, I want government controls over masks, "non-essential shops" (that's a laugh, that is, when I can buy papers, paint, Easter eggs nail polish, pots and pans and God knows what else in Morrisons), bloody "rules of six" and going to people's houses to be removed. They are becoming blunt instruments of government control and have little to do with our safety any more. I want us all to take personal responsibility for our post-lockdown behaviour and I want to see lots of government advice and information. Advice, not edicts. No divisive and discriminatory vaccine passports, no piddling around with traffic lights. If a shop or cinema insists that I wear a mask, or prove my jabs, that's the shop or cinema, not the government, and I'll probably vote with my feet. But the threat from overseas is critical. We can and should close our borders to casual travel. I know the lorries have to come and go. But that can be checked and that should be it. We have to do the crucial things but we should want our freedom back, pronto.