The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31311   Message #410147
Posted By: GUEST,Mike
03-Mar-01 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: School Pranks?
Subject: RE: BS: School Pranks?
When I was in grade school (a three-room school in Indiana) the place was heated with a coal stove in each room. A friend and I discovered that the screwdrivers given away by the local grain elevator had an early form of plastic in their handles that,when put on the hot stove, made a *horrible* smell and we collected and employed large numbers of these. Breathing these fumes probably explains why we are the way we are today. But this was a mild prank: my grandfather, in his high school days, once took the pricipal's Model T apart and reassembled it in the man's office. This act became a local legend, and I have always aspired to my grandfather's standards in subsequent pranks. Thanks to his influence, I came up with the notion of loading someone's high school locker full to the brim with frozen cow pies late one Friday afternoon in January (frozen cow pies, for those of you from the city, are not something you buy in the freezer section of the supermarket, but are readily available in many Indiana fields for free). By Monday morning, the cow pies had thawed to their normal, summetime consistancy (and odor). Education is truly a wonderful thing...