The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169613   Message #4102235
Posted By: John C. Bunnell
14-Apr-21 - 08:41 PM
Thread Name: Any May songs?
Subject: RE: Any May songs?
Here's another in the "As I walked out" cluster. At least insofar as I can tell, this isn't already anywhere here on Mudcat - and for once I have a full attribution on hand, from the liner notes on my physical copy of the album. (I have *not* attempted to transcribe the full counterpoints and harmony elements, which get progressively more complicated from refrain to refrain. For those you want to click through to the YouTube recording.)

written by Ed McCurdy

arranged & performed by the Chad Mitchell Trio ("Singing Our Minds")

As I walked out one May morning, to take the pleasant air,
I saw a pretty girl walking by with roses in her hair;
I stepped right up and I said to her, "Pretty girl, I think you're grand!"
She answered me and said, "Of course - I come from Ireland."

Polly-wolly-roo-wack-too-rye-ah - I come from Ireland.

"That's very nice, I'm sure," I said, "You do the country proud,
But would you like to take a walk somewhere beyond the crowd?"
She said that was a pleasant thought, so we began to roam,
And soon we reached a building grand, where this girl made her home.

Polly-wolly-roo-wack-too-rye-ah-whack-tither-oh - where this girl made her home.

She asked me to take off my coat, and rest myself awhile;
She stepped into another room, which caused me for to smile.
She soon came back to where I sat - she didn't keep me long -
And sitting down beside me, said, "I think I'll sing a song."

Polly-wolly-roo-wack-too-rye-ah-whack-tither-wither-polly-wolly-doo - "I think I'll sing a song."

And so this girl begin to sing in a voice both loud and clear;
She sang of dear old Ireland, the country she held dear.
She sang me songs I'd never heard; she'd learned them from her mother --
And when one song was finished, well, she'd start out with another.

Polly-wolly-roo-wack-too-rye-ah-whack-tither-wither-polly-wolly-doo - "She'd start out with another."

The hours went slipping quickly by, till daylight all had gone;
The night came all around us, but still she sang right on,
And when the morning came at last, I said, "I'll have to go;
It's been a very pleasant time, and now this much I know:
Ireland has leprechauns; she's suffered many wrongs;
Ireland has peat-bog fires...and an awful lot of songs!"

Polly-wolly-roo-wack-too-rye-ah-whack-whack-too-ra-lee-eye-oh.... (etc.)