The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4103064
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
21-Apr-21 - 10:01 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021

I did have my first shot in ON. Second one in July!

Here I shall remain, in QC, until I can be certain I can go to Ontario and come back to Quebec for R. As both Premiers are incapable of making clear and appropriate decisions re lockdown, no lockdown, curfew, travel... As much as I was hoping to go home to ON next week... I find indications that R suffered a lack of support in my month away. Only because he seems unusually happy to have me back.

SO, feeling bluer than a night sky at the idea of being stuck here with TV, computer, plants to water ... OK! No pottery wheel!! So yesterday I called the supplier in Montreal and placed an order for a new wheel and 8 boxes of clay and some basic tools. HAPPY! I set off with my phone giving me directions - first time ever! IT was patient with me - when I missed a turn it said Ok, then turn at THIS street! I got there and picked up order from a fellow bemoaning that he cannot even walk the dog after 8 pm! In ON we have no curfew and can go for walks.

I bought the portable wheel - have one like it in ON - so I wrestled it out of the car into the house and de-boxed it on the sofa, then got it upstairs to the small room we agreed upon. I brought in one box of clay - one 10kg loaf at a time. This am R brought in the rest - heavy!

I almost have my potting space organized but the snowy day meant stores were not busy so I dashed off to do shopping at each grocery, came home heavily laden and managed to fill the frig, organize the freezer a bit and decide that was enough of a day's work! Actually, I need R to carry an awkward chair up for me. THEN I can get the rest organized and throw pots!

In the meantime, I have done laundry and cleaned up wherever I see dust or cobwebs, and sweeping up leaves from the plants and watering plants and re-potting and my seedlings are ready to pot - yogurt containers, I guess. My little pear tree seedling is about 6 inches tall, handsome with almost bronzy leaves. Daffies are blooming and the one patch of tulips will open when the sun comes out again! And keeping a fire in the wood stove, and managed to bring wood up to the porch, and armloads into the house as I have turned the heat down.