The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74809   Message #4103223
Posted By: Greum
23-Apr-21 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Watchet Sailor
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Watchet Sailor
Can anyone help work out the chords. I've created the song in ABC notation but I'm struggling to figure out the chords apart from the initial Am.

T:The Watchet Sailor
E | "Am"A A A | c E F | G A G | E2
w:As I was a wal-king down Wat-chet Swain Street
C | G A G | G E C | D C D | E2
w:A jol-ly old ship-mate I chanced for to meet
B | c B c | d c d | e c A | (A G)
w:"Hel-lo bro-ther sail-or you're wel-come to home_
E | F E D | E A G | A c B | A2
w:In sea-son to Wat-chet I think you are come."