The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #169078   Message #4103369
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
24-Apr-21 - 12:55 PM
Thread Name: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021
Subject: RE: De-clutter & Fitness in a Pandemic: 2021

Found my duster stashed under the love seat!

Happy to have a separate TV/sewing room - still no sewing even though it is all around me! No TV at Beaver; R took one up to the sleeping loft to see if he could get a signal. No dice;it is still there! He has not had time to go back. He is working 10-12 hour days, 7 days. But progress is being made as things go to scrap yard, a larger truck coming soon will increase that. It is going to be a long haul. I asked that he try to get home earlier tomorrow for a birthday supper (74); a pork roast is on the menu, with veggies and choc cake. Going to rain so a good time for a shorter day.

Did a few minutes weeding this beautiful morning. A little at a time is good to keep body from complaining. Geraniums did not recoup from cold night but there are many more still in the house. Happy to see a few special perennials poking out! Threw a few pots yesterday - enough to feel I had done something toward recouping the cost of the wheel!

Keep watching the news to keep track of Covid. Someone who was in R's "office" a few days ago has it; I have encouraged testing! Her business partner tested neg. But still... R and I each have first shot but still being very careful as we are warned to be.

Opened tax packet just now. Hope to find the brain power to complete it today. Or at least reach that point where, for two years, I have sent it with a note: "If someone with a M.Ed from McGill cannot figure out, it needs fixing. Just tell me what I owe and I'll pay it. I'm tired of sending you money and then getting it all back!" It has worked so far!

Trimming those pots is essential and handles on two jugs and one lonely mug.

WOW! the CBC news just showed a segment of an artist/doctor who has gifted families with marvelous paintings in memory of their deceased! Wonderful! Capturing essence of the person in birds, flowers... Beautifully done! Her name??? Well, I did not catch that. Maybe tonight.